Chapel Weddings

Thousands of Princetonians have been united here to their beloved.

Current Princeton University students in a degree-granting program, Princeton University alums, current or retired Princeton University staff or faculty, and children or grandchildren of any of the previously mentioned groups are eligible to use the University Chapel for weddings.  

We ask that all couples who wish to be married in the Chapel begin by completing this form requesting permission from Rev. Dr. Theresa S. Thames, Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel.  Dean Thames will review your request and the Chapel Administrator (Patricia Florek, [email protected]) will notify you of her response.  

If approved, the Chapel Administrator will then work with you to determine Chapel availability for your wedding.  Once a date is established, mail a non-refundable $250 deposit check (payable to "Princeton University Chapel”) to Princeton University, attn: Patricia Florek, Chapel Administrator, The Chapel, Room A05, 30 Chapel Drive, Princeton, NJ 08544.  

When the deposit is received, you will be emailed further information and as well as several forms to fill out and return. 

Wedding reservations may not be made more than two years in advance and are not permitted in May or December in any year due to numerous services and events during those months.

Please note the Princeton University Chapel is not air-conditioned.