Avete, Amici Musicae!
The Princeton University Chapel Choir offers singers the chance to explore a varied and rich repertoire of sacred music, with special focus on artists who have historically been marginalized within the Western art music tradition. The choir provides music for the Ecumenical Chapel Worship Service, Opening Exercises, Baccalaureate, and the annual Service of Remembrance, as well as special concerts throughout the year. Singing with the Chapel Choir is about more than music, though: it is an opportunity for rest, renewal, and connection—a chance for singers to be valued for who they are, not just what they do. The Chapel Choir is a paid performance group made up of Princeton undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. Auditions are held in the beginning of each semester, and all are encouraged to try out!
Would you like to audition for Chapel Choir? Please contact Dr. Nicole Aldrich, Director of Chapel Music, at [email protected].
During the academic year, Chapel Choir rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., and performs for each Sunday Worship Service at 11 a.m. (11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.) during the academic year, with the odd rehearsal or performance scheduled outside of these times on special occasions. We perform a major concert (and our music is recorded) once per semester and perform in international tours every other year during Wintersession!
For more information, please visit the chapel choir website https://www.princetonchapelchoir.com/
Schedule of Events
Chapel Choir rehearses twice a week, and sings for the ecumenical Christian worship service in the Chapel on Sundays. There are also a number of special services and concerts we perform in each semester.
View our full schedule of events →
The Choir
Chapel Choir is a mixed choral ensemble, consisting of approximately 70 undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and community members, all coming from a diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines.
Our Music
Chapel Choir sings from a wide-spanning repertoire that features a variety of musical styles in different languages, from Bach to McFerrin, Palestrina to Gjeilo.